WTF is handpoke?

WTF is a handpoke tattoo?

Handpoke tattoos, or “stick and poke” tattoos just like any other tattoo! The only difference is that there is no machine. Instead of a machine, tattoos are applied one dot at a time. It's a slow, but intentional practice that creates a quiet, calm, and meditative environment. Due to its delicate nature, handpoke tattoos yield some beautiful results. Whether it’s your first tattoo or 100th, it's easy to fall in love with handpoke tattoos. 

Culturally, handpoke goes by many names and has been practiced around the world for centuries. At Love Always Tattoo, we practice contemporary handpoke methods, using the same equipment as any other modern tattoo artist to ensure the finest sanitization and application practices. It’s safe! I promise… it’s not a “prison tattoo” or whatever your mom’s boyfriend Rick calls it. 

The only real difference between handpoke tattoos and machine tattoos is the method. Machine tattoos use a motorized tool that drives the needle and ink into the skin rapidly. Handpoke is slower, the needle and ink are gently inserted into the skin one poke at a time. Think — Hand sewing vs Machine sewing. Neither is wrong, they are just different techniques to get to the same result.

Handpoke is a wonderful method… but only if you are into the chillest tattoo experience of your life!

Any burning questions that didnt get addresses? Feel free to email us at LOVEALWAYSTATTOOSHOP@GMAIL.COM

What are the benefits of a Hanpoke Tattoo?

Less Painful: No tattoo is painless, but due to how handpoke is applied, many find it less shocking to the body. Your nervous system is just feeling the poke — not the vibration or sensation of a needle piercing the skin multiple times per second. 

Heals Quickly: Because of handpoke’s meticulous application it tends to be less abrasive on the skin, therefore healing quickly. During the aftercare process clients often report that their handpoke tattoos were much less maintenance and heal better than their machine tattoos. 

Quiet: Sound plays a big role in our sensory experiences. Handpoke tattoos are virtually silent. Most clients comment how calm the lack of sound makes them.

Unique Experience: I’m sure you can tell by now that handpoke tattoos are all around a wonderful way to get tattooed. It's an experience unlike any other, connecting your mind and body while getting a beautiful piece of art.

Is a handpoke tattoo right for you?

Well… if you like tattoos that are high quality, less painful, high quality, and relaxing… then I would say HELL FUCKING YES!!! You don’t know WTF you’re missing!